January 19, 2013
This adventure I really wasn’t sure of. The forecast was confusing as I checked sail-flow, they had just changed their website to the most confusing gray (fogged) screen with arrows going every-which-way. I went outside. Couldn’t see Kenny’s house 100 feet away from my front door, the fog and 0600 dark had taken Kenny's house away. And no wind...dead calm. The windshield on my Ford was solid ice. "This is going to be a cold, long day".
The reality at first wasn't much of an improvement when we got to the Marina. Still foggy but a hint of cold North wind gave some hope. I internally practiced my speech to the Coast Guard about why we were starting a sailboat race in bow-hiding fog. By the time we got the RC boat up to the Browns Point start area things looked incredibly better, clearing, light wind and another boat waiting to give us money.
Race started on-time, no fog or wind postponement needed, off they went. Just one small glitch. Blown Away II was over early. All the hailing in the world seemed to not be able to pull them back. They were rolling and not stopping. Onward!
Sailing in this stuff is the best. A simple hot cup of coffee smells, tastes and feels the best. Laughter seems to be more weighted and the stuff of land is gone.
A Dall's porpoise rolled, then again and again.
I want to thank all that participated as skipper or crew. Big thanks to Zak Carter and Don McAdams aboard Romeo Charlie and Steve Hucke with Jerry Brennen on First Dance our mark set boat.
Next race is this coming Saturday, the Windjammer Harbor Blake Island Race hosted by the Three Tree Point Yacht Club. February 16th is the Windjammer Harbor Gig Harbor Race by CYCT and February 23rd is the Windjammer Harbor Manzanita Buoy Race by Three Tree Point. Hope you can make them all.
Results attached,
Race Chair CYCT
S/V Discovery